Contact Dr. Sanlo for
further information 
and to schedule an

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Legacy of the Profession, NASPA 2010

Honorary Chair
Age and Wisdom 
Honoring the Lives of 
Older Lesbian and 
Gay People. 
American Express, Detroit 

Listed in St. James 
Press Gay & 
Lesbian Almanac 

Named University of Florida Alumni Gators to Know 2007

NASPA Pillar of the Profession 2008

Top Twenty Most Influential Lesbian Academics, Curve Magazine 2008

Keynote Presenter: Acknowledging Your Identity Through History, Silver Threads Lesbians Over 50 Conference. St. Petersburg, FL

Old Lesbians Organizing for Change (OLOC)

Consider a donation to
these fine organizations
whose missions are:

To care for our LGBT seniors

Golden Rainbow
Senior Center,
Palm Springs, CA

Old Lesbians Organizing
for Changing

To preserve our history

Impact Stories, histories of
LGBT people

June Mazer Archives,
Los Angeles

One National LGBT Archives
Los Angeles

Stonewall Rainbow
LGBT Archives, Ft. Lauderdale

Lesbian and Gay Seniors: 
The Invisible Boomers

It is likely that as many as 3 million Americans over 65 are lesbian or gay, and that number will only increase over the next few decades. According to the Gay and Lesbian Rainbow Senior Center of Palm Springs, compared to heterosexual counterparts, lesbian and gay seniors are;

* twice as likely to be single
* nearly five times more likely to have no children to assist in time of need
* ten times less likely to have a caregiver
* two and a half times more likely to live alone. 

LGBT seniors often do not access adequate health care, affordable housing, and other in-home or social services due to institutionalized as well as internalized homophobia. Many lesbian and gay seniors often retreat back into the closet, reinforcing isolation and depression.

Dr. Sanlo, a senior and a lesbian herself, creates a variety of awareness opportunities, based on your defined needs, for your nursing home, retirement community, or social service or home health agency so that you are familiar with the issues of lesbian and gay seniors, have the tools to create a climate of welcome, and fill your beds and houses with an expanded sense of community.