Our Sponsors

Become a Sponsor

Our sponsors are businesses and organizations that support our mission of keeping LGBTQ history alive. From the earliest days of time, LGBTQ people have been systematically excluded from the world’s historical record. In many times and in many countries, including the U.S., LGBTQ people’s relationships with their families of origin, their professional lives, and indeed their personal safety were at risk. In fact, there are still countries today where homosexuality remains illegal as well as countries such as Hungary where LGBTQ freedom has been reversed. This work, with support from you, our sponsor, will help keep LGBTQ+ people out of the closet and into the sunshine. Our young LGBTQ+ people deserve to know on whose shoulders they stand.

Please consider being a sponsor.
Keep our history alive!

Rainbow Flag Level - $1000

  • Business/organization name and Logo
  • Link to Website
  • Research Internship partner
  • Descriptive paragraph

Pink Triangle Level -   $500

  • Business/organization name
  • Link to Website and Logo
  • Descriptive paragraph

Lambda Icon Level - $100

  • Business/organization name
  • Link to Website, Logo


Sponsors list available soon.